
It's my blog and I can deivate if I want to.

This one is for my Father, Dr. Katz.

I often say that certain posts have nothing to do with ceramics, but I'm pretty good about turning it back to clay in one way or another. This post will be different, this literally has nothing to do with clay.

Dr. Katz is a huge bicycling fan. I remember being a kid and him being angry that Wide World of Sports would only have 1 Hour of Tour de France coverage on Saturday. We would watch the battles between Greg LeMond and Laurent Fignon, good times.

Anyway. I came across the bikes that have been decorated by some well known artists for Lance to ride on the tour. The artists are Kaws, Shepard Fairey, Marc Newson, Kenny Scharf, Yoshitomo Nara and Damien Hirst which he will ride on the last day of Le Tour.

This is some details of the Hirst Bike, they have not released the final images.

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