Asian dinner utensils are awesome. I've always said that I want to be a ceramic engineer in Asia because the don't have to worry about metal marking problems (no knives at the table). The table relies on the chopstick and the spoon, Designer Aïssa Logerot has come up with an evolutionarily design, combining the two.
I have to admit, that I do have some reservations about the design. It seems like the spoon might fall off the end of the chopsticks, and that long handles does not suit how porcelain spoons are handled. None-the-less, this is a pretty interesting design.
I'm going to take off for the Holiday, but I'll be back next week.
Please, be safe, warm, and don't drink and drive.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday!
Oh Canada!
I Love Canada!
As you may know, I come from Maine. The joke there is that Maine is just un-annexed Canada. We love Hockey, French, and Doughnuts. All things Canadian. Now we have one more thing to love in Canada. That is Pottery Supply House in Oakville, Ontario.
Why do we love PSH? Becuase they are now carrying the full line of Matt and Dave's Clays Products! Porcelain for the People and The Coup! How cool is that?!
What is even cooler? PSH is doing something that I had a lot of requests to do but could not pull off. That is ship across to Canada! You will have to contact them to get the details, but this makes our clay available to all of our friends in the Great White North.
Stop by and get some clay!
Also, I wanted to let everyone know that Tee Shirts are now in and available at out online store!
As you may know, I come from Maine. The joke there is that Maine is just un-annexed Canada. We love Hockey, French, and Doughnuts. All things Canadian. Now we have one more thing to love in Canada. That is Pottery Supply House in Oakville, Ontario.
Why do we love PSH? Becuase they are now carrying the full line of Matt and Dave's Clays Products! Porcelain for the People and The Coup! How cool is that?!
What is even cooler? PSH is doing something that I had a lot of requests to do but could not pull off. That is ship across to Canada! You will have to contact them to get the details, but this makes our clay available to all of our friends in the Great White North.
Stop by and get some clay!
Also, I wanted to let everyone know that Tee Shirts are now in and available at out online store!
Ceramics=Civil Unrest
We all know that ceramics are inherently political medium but a protester in Italy has taken this to a new level. This particular protester used a ceramic stature of Milan's Cathedral to express his displeasure with the Prime Minister.
ROME - An attacker hurled a statuette at Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, striking the leader in the face at the end of a rally on Sunday and leaving the stunned 73-year-old leader with a broken nose and bloodied mouth, authorities said.
ROME - An attacker hurled a statuette at Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, striking the leader in the face at the end of a rally on Sunday and leaving the stunned 73-year-old leader with a broken nose and bloodied mouth, authorities said.
Police said the 42-year-old man accused of attacking Berlusconi as he signed autographs in Milan was immediately taken into custody. The Italian leader was rushed to a hospital where he was being held overnight.
The attack occurred at a time when Berlusconi, one of Italy's wealthiest men, is embroiled in a sex scandal, a divorce case with his wife and public protests demanding his resignation.
I will admit to having a limited knowledge of Italian politics. That said, in my understanding Mr. Berlusconi's policies, practices and morals are somewhat questionable...
So let's think of this less as an attack, and more of a Christmas Gift...In the face.
Sale! For Today and One Day Only!
Act Quickly, this deal will be gone at Midnight!
Matt and Dave's Clays
The 1 Day Sale at our site is Live! 15% of a combo, Porcelain for the People and Stuck Up Slip for just $35
We are offering a special deal with our High Temperature Porcelain for the People and Stuck Up Slip together for $35- Shipped! This is a 15% savings on both items. This is a pretty great deal and is only going to last for 24 hours. So get yourself some clay to put under your tree. We will get your clay shipped out just in time for Christmas.
Go to our online store and select the item with the picture of Santa George you see at the top, to get the special sale price.
It's only going to last for 24 hours, so get it quick.
Have a happy New Year.
Matt and Dave
Light Bright.
I'm feeling sort of guilty. I bought this item for the member of my family who's stocking I am stuffing this Christmas. Unfortunately for that person, They will not be receiving this particular item. I'm keeping it.
I thought about this long and hard, and It was Mrs. Rose who finally declared that this was the coolest piece of translucent porcelain in the house. Sorry to all the rest of the work, but she is right. A translucent porcelain Burger, Fries, and Cola, you'll be lighting my way to bed on Christmas Eve.
Get a Handle on Things
I'm not one to Poo poo a paper cup, just because I'm a ceramics person. I do believe in function first, and sometimes function comes in the form of a paper cup.
That said, this handle sleeve is awesome. The site dosen't say what it is made out of, I suspect rubber. But it could be clay.
None-the-less, it is a pretty fun and functional thingy.
Christmas goes down the drain
My alternative title was "I'm pretty sure you can't flush that, no matter how powerful your new toilet is"
Or, "The Grinch had to work extra hard, when the Whos went Condo."
At least the tree will stay watered.
I have to say that I am shocked at how little Holiday Ceramics I have come across this year. If anyone has stumbled across some fun stuff. Please send it to me, I love hoilday stuff.
This is bad...
I know that bad people will do bad things, but this kind of thing is going to make it harder for pottery classes in schools in the future.
12 Year old Girl assaulted with Pottery Tool
Matt McKinney
Asheboro, NC -- Sheriff's deputies are investigating the assault of a 12-year-old middle school girl on a bus Tuesday afternoon.
Investigators say 18-year-old Jeremy Johnson, a student at Southwestern Randolph High School, had taken a pottery tool from the school without the teacher's knowledge.
Witnesses say that during an argument the suspect threw the tool at the 12-year-old striking her in the lip. The victim's father, Darrell Sanders, spoke only to WFMY News 2 about the incident.
"She had the pottery tool sticking through her upper lip through the bone down through the roof of her mouth," he said.
Randolph County Schools Spokesperson Dremia Meier said the school bus driver did not respond properly.
"We have specific policies in place. Any bus driver should call 911 immediately in any emergency. In this case that did not happen," she said.
Sanders said, "When she let my daughter off the school bus with a knife in her face, not knowing if anybody was home, that was the ultimate straw there."
The driver has been placed on administrative leave pending the school district's internal investigation.
Footage from a school bus camera is being used in the Randolph County Sheriff's Office's investigation.
Sanders and his wife took their daughter to Randolph Hospital where she had to receive stitches in the damaged area. She was keep overnight for observation and is recovering at home.
Johnson is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and is being held at the Randolph County Jail under $100,000 bond.
Randolph County school officials say he has been suspended.
If you are a school teacher, keep an eye on your tools... sheesh.
I have to admit that I am shocked that this kid was only suspended and not out right expelled. The video story almost completely focuses on the bus driver, who admittedly did not follow protocol, and not on how this little thug need to be put on an ice flow. Sheeseh, the girl was 12 and this punk is 18. Tell me that he does not have a future in and out of prison.
12 Year old Girl assaulted with Pottery Tool
Matt McKinney
Asheboro, NC -- Sheriff's deputies are investigating the assault of a 12-year-old middle school girl on a bus Tuesday afternoon.
Investigators say 18-year-old Jeremy Johnson, a student at Southwestern Randolph High School, had taken a pottery tool from the school without the teacher's knowledge.
Witnesses say that during an argument the suspect threw the tool at the 12-year-old striking her in the lip. The victim's father, Darrell Sanders, spoke only to WFMY News 2 about the incident.
"She had the pottery tool sticking through her upper lip through the bone down through the roof of her mouth," he said.
Randolph County Schools Spokesperson Dremia Meier said the school bus driver did not respond properly.
"We have specific policies in place. Any bus driver should call 911 immediately in any emergency. In this case that did not happen," she said.
Sanders said, "When she let my daughter off the school bus with a knife in her face, not knowing if anybody was home, that was the ultimate straw there."
The driver has been placed on administrative leave pending the school district's internal investigation.
Footage from a school bus camera is being used in the Randolph County Sheriff's Office's investigation.
Sanders and his wife took their daughter to Randolph Hospital where she had to receive stitches in the damaged area. She was keep overnight for observation and is recovering at home.
Johnson is charged with assault with a deadly weapon and is being held at the Randolph County Jail under $100,000 bond.
Randolph County school officials say he has been suspended.
If you are a school teacher, keep an eye on your tools... sheesh.
I have to admit that I am shocked that this kid was only suspended and not out right expelled. The video story almost completely focuses on the bus driver, who admittedly did not follow protocol, and not on how this little thug need to be put on an ice flow. Sheeseh, the girl was 12 and this punk is 18. Tell me that he does not have a future in and out of prison.
The China Syndrome
These pieces by Chilean/British Artist Livia Marin were shown at The House of Propellers in London earlier this fall, under the name "Broken Things"
From the Gallery Site:
“Broken Things” highlights the meticulous work of Livia Marin, a process–oriented approach, which appropriates mass-produced and mass-consumed objects, turning them into precious and uniquely, handcrafted art objects. For this exhibition, Marin finely sculpts everyday objects – cups, bowls jars and plates – modeled with ruptures, splits and crevices. The fractures represent fatality and loss, but in repairing and keeping the object she stresses the relationship of care and continuation. Surreality and repetition are important procedures in the artist's work, creating a mechanization of the intimate relationship we have with objects of everyday use.
What also fills these pieces with a unique essence is a printed ‘Willow Pattern’. This Willow Pattern, copied from fine hand-painted Chinese pottery was manufactured in the UK using transfer prints signaling a transformation to industrial mass–production. Marin plays with the dignity and uniqueness of the original –but also with its dissemination into universal consciousness via industrialization. In the artists own words “I see my work as situated within a more formal Minimalist agenda. Equally, however, I would want to extend that agenda to include the more ‘impure’ aspects of things that have been handled and used bearing a trace of a social history.”
I don't think that quite does the work justice. Maybe it is just me, but I was having a discussion with a friend this weekend about work that is smarter than the person making it. I don't know this person so I am painting with a broad brush, but that statement does nothing for me.
It is a loaded discussion that I don't want to go into right now. Maybe I need to do another post on the weakness of Artist's statements. But you all know that you have encountered it. It is so infuriating, but that is life.
House of Propellers
A Cut Above
Hi All,
Sorry, I've been exceptionally busy this week. So I haven't any time to put into posts. I'll try to do better next week.
In the mean time enjoy this Guillotine Christmas ornament.
Beats the pants off that pickle, I'll tell you what.
(if you got that joke your name is Dan or Corey)
Sorry, I've been exceptionally busy this week. So I haven't any time to put into posts. I'll try to do better next week.
In the mean time enjoy this Guillotine Christmas ornament.
Beats the pants off that pickle, I'll tell you what.
(if you got that joke your name is Dan or Corey)
Why yes, I guess you could look at it that way.
Luckily this one was done on purpose by James Victore who refers to himself as a dinner plate pirate.
It also makes me glad that I was not a girl, because my "girl name" was Virginia...
There are Gnomes and UnNoams
I can't say if this is clay, but I could not resist posting this Garden Noam Chomsky.
A Gnomes History of the United States?
Thanks to Swen for the title of the post.
Nipple Slip
The Coup update-Now available in our Online Store!
Hello everyone,
The response to The Coup has been outstanding. Thanks to everyone for trying our clay. I'm sure you are going to love it! Can you go wrong with a clay who's worst review ever was "I really liked it!"? We have never received a review less than 5 stars out of 5 from those who have tried our clay.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the full range of The Coup products are now available at our safe, secure, and easy online store. So go ahead and get your sweetie a box of the white stuff for Christmas.
The response to The Coup has been outstanding. Thanks to everyone for trying our clay. I'm sure you are going to love it! Can you go wrong with a clay who's worst review ever was "I really liked it!"? We have never received a review less than 5 stars out of 5 from those who have tried our clay.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the full range of The Coup products are now available at our safe, secure, and easy online store. So go ahead and get your sweetie a box of the white stuff for Christmas.
For when metaphor, is just too much to deal with.
Sometimes, some artists need to be direct and literal...
The notion of woman a vessel is one used through out history, Stéphanie Rollin and Plug Studio just decided to cut out all that laborious conceptualizing and got straight for the anatomy lesson.
Dr. Katz, Guess what you are getting for Christmas!
The Coup, Mid-Temperature is ready!
Hi Everyone
I told you that I would let you know when The Coup, our Mid-Temperature version of Porcelain for the People is ready.
Today is the day!
We have The Coup made and ready to ship, right now.
What is even better? We not only have our plastic body, great for throwing and hand-building. We also have Coup versions of our Cast Away Slip and Stuck Up-the amazing building and attaching slip. All three designed to work great together.
The Coup has all of the performance qualities of Porcelain for the People, with a firing temperature of Cone 5-8.
I hope we have piqued your interest.
The Coup is available at our store at www.mattanddavesclays.com.
Prices for The Coup are the same as Porcelain for the People.
Casting Slip-$45/2 Gallons
Stuck Up-$12/Bottle
All prices include shipping!
So if you are interested please send us an email, with your order. We will respond with a link, where you can make a secure payment.
The Revolution Is Here!
Gnome Your Rights
I was shocked and appalled to learn that the authorities in the West Midlands, UK are attempting to turn their village in to an Anti-Ceramic Police State... Shocking, Truly Shocking. Here's the story.
Gnomes cause health and safety row
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council said a letter sent to Linda Langford, which also instructed her to withdraw a pottery tortoise from a communal area outside her flat in Tipton, had been based on a misunderstanding of its fire safety rules.
The note from Sandwell Homes to Mrs Langford, 57, ordered her to take down a welcome plaque as well as the gnomes - one of which is hitting an anvil, the other reading a book.
As you all know, we are concerned will all aspects of ceramics here at Slipcast. We need to reclaim our civil rights to display our clays freely...even the ugly ones.
Remember, first they came for the Garden Gnomes and I said nothing, Then they came for the Pottery turtles and I said nothing. Then the came for the Hedgehog Houses and there was no one left to speak for them...
Left Over Art
When I was a teenager we used to do this at the restaurants we hung out at. I don't think the wait staff appreciated all that we as customers had to offer...
Smile and say Clay.
Sweet 'Stache
As a Mustachioed Gentlemen myself, I am often asked.
"How can I become more awesome, like yourself?"
Of course my answer is always, "Become Mustachioed!"
Unfortunately, half of you are unable to grow a wonderful mustache as I can... and the rest of you are ladies...
These mustache mugs will get you half way there.
NCECA Pre-Conference: You know you want to.
Hola, Katz and Kittenz
I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a fantastic time with Mr. Chris who unfortunately is on his way back to Vacationland as I type. My favorite quote from the weekend was "I didn't realize that Alfred was so...small..."
Anyhoo, today's news is important for all of you, but especially those of you who are trying to make a go of ceramics as a lifestyle. Friends of Slipcast. Michael Connelly and Alleghany Meadows are putting together a Pre-Confernece Meeting with a very important subject.
"Making Through Living—Living Through Making:
Studio Pottery in 2010
The even is taking place on March 29 and 30, at Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA. The conferece has a who's who of awesome ceramicits who are working thier buns off to make a living at making pots. Including include Mary Barringer, Christa Assad, Andy Brayman, Ron Meyers, Ellen Shankin, Ayumi Horie, Julia Galloway, Alleghany Meadows, Steven Lee and Michael Connelly.
It is an exceptionally tough life out there and these people have a lot of knowledge to share on the subject.
I have known Connelly and Ghany for a long time and they are smart and talented people and have a lot to contribute to the community and the discussion. So sign up now, You won't be disappointed.
Web Site
I stumbled across this item and though, " Yep, It's Friday"
I'm excited because my oldest friend Mr. Chris is coming to visit. We have literally known each other since the age of 4 when we met in Pre-School. That means we have know each other for 12 whole years (don't you dare question me on my math!)
I'm feeling insecure as someone, in a round about way, called me old the other day...
Don't everyone have too much fun tonight. But everyone make sure to Wang Chung tonight.
Damn... I am old
From the maker's site
This whimsical pouring vessel is a comical take on the western slang “Sake Bomb”. The inspiration is a juxtaposition of the Fugu Fish (Blowfish), the most opulent of sashimi cuts and a WW II sea mine. The small drinking cups perch neatly on the spines making it a compact entertaining tool.
The Sake Bomb was designed by Alexander Purcell founder of APRRO an interdisciplinary design studio based in Los Angeles.
Beth Cavener Stichter- On Tender Hooks
Well dear readers, what to do, what to do...
As I mentioned on Friday, Mrs. Rose and I went on a secret mission over the weekend. Our mission was to get down to the city (NYC) to see the new Beth Cavener Stichter Show-"On Tender Hooks" at the Claire Oliver Gallery.
We did make it down, and had some adventures and some great food. If anyone is looking for real Chinese Pulled noodles and Dumplings I have a recommendation for you. But the auspices for our trip was to see the show.
I've been debating how I want to talk about this show, I could write formal review, but that is not my style, or the style of the blog. I think that the personal response (rather than the objective) must be disclosed for a review to be honest. The fact is that there is no way to look at something without confronting ones own experience. So I think I am going to just write and see what comes out, format be damned. So, I have consumed the lovely latte that Mrs. Rose made me, I have put on some Fugazi and cranked it up. I'm itching to go.
Why would I write this review? There is something personal that I don't talk about much on the blog. That is that although I live the clay life style and I am obsessed with ceramics. I'm not actually interested in talking about it. Maybe I am just old and sour, but I am much more interested in the discussions that surround ceramics. Clay is easy, life is hard.
That is why Cavener Stichter's work appeals to me. I had mentioned before that I came across her work at NCECA a few years back. When I first saw the work the only thing that ran through my mind that was clay related was "Holy Shit, she made those out of clay" that's about it. There was no deeper consideration to the meaning of clay behind her work. it was just sculpture. The medium was irrelevant. Much in the same way that we don't consider that most Bronzes were at one time clay sculptures. There is no reason to consider the medium it is just that. it is the medium, not the message.
Why it was important to go see this show was for that very reason. Cavener Stichter's work is being displayed in the Claire Oliver Gallery. This is a big deal. This is a gallery in Chelsea, Chelsea is THE art neighborhood. Because of that ceramics are almost never seen there. So it left me to wonder, why is Cavener Stichter breaking through this glass ceiling? Why is this show all but sold out? Why, when discussing the show with my friend Sam Harvey who owns the Harvery/Meadows gallery (a well respected ceramic gallery in Aspen). He expressed frustration that they could not even get Cavener Stichter work in their space?
I have an answer.
Cavener Stichter may be the best ceramic artist working today.
I say this with much trepidation, I am not one to fall head over heals for an artist. I have seen enough good and bad work in my day to be cynical about everything. Yet, I feel no impulse to do so with this work. Not that the attempt was not made by Mrs. Rose. Who while discussing the show said that she liked the work but she thought it was relying to much on poking people. That shock value had more place then metaphor in the work. While I could not disagree with her on the approach I had to challenge her on the intent.
The reason I have to comes down to is the eyes.
It drives me crazy to state things so simply. As a persons who always argues content over technique, it is the eyes that convinced me.
I have seen a lot of figurative sculpture and what always leaves me cold is that there never seems to be a way to portray the eyes. Painting looks fake and carved look dead. Yet, Cavener Stichter creates eyes that stare right back at you. With the look of an dying animal, questioning your intentions, accepting their fate. She creates work that imparts responsibility for your responses on you. It sounds like a simple thing to execute...but I rarely see it done right. Cavener Stichter executes this perfectly.
I could talk more about technique, but all that needs to be said is that her methods are impeccable. the combination of almost impressionist bodies and yet, hyper realistic details like faces and (human) genitals. She is smart enough to includes historical references to things like the Meissen animals, but it really comes across as a smart nod and not a "I'm so clever" wink
They are exquisite, but my only complaint about the show is that the published statement relied too heavily on clay talk. If we as ceramicists are to move forward, we need to stop this conversation from going public. It is fine if it occurs within our circle, but the public does not care about it. To the degree that I believe it turns them off. If the work is strong as this is, the method is irrelevant, even as technically stunning in detail and scale as is Cavener Stichter's work.
I could attempt to dissect the imparted content, but I don't believe that there is really a point. Cavener Stichter is smart enough to craft work that although pointed, is mature enough to leave it the viewer to construct interpretation. It is not as simplistic as "We are all animals" the animals function simply as the medium. Cavener Stichter history with biology and animals, seem to give her a solid, sympathetic, yet pragmatic relationship with her subjects. Imparting both sympathy and apathy about her subjects. Whether Goat, Rat or Capybara the animal is portrayed as victim and conspirator in the work. Very much like the cat in the tree "Well, now I'm here, how the hell do I get down?"
As I say to students, great work only leaves you with more questions, if you are providing the answers through your work, you fail.
I think I am going to leave it there. I'm not sure if I want to go farther. I say this because as I stated before the response to art is definitely subjective. Cavener Stichter my just be my favorite ceramic artist working today.
But I can't say... too many questions.
The show is only up until December 5th, so if you can get to the city I can not recommend highly enough that you get there. Maybe you will disagree with me, but what would be the fun if we all got along.
Claire Oliver 513 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001 / Tel: 212.929.5949
Stuck on You!
Hey All,
First, Yes I have pushed back my promised piece, because life is getting in the way. But I did want to put up two reviews that have come up recently. Both of these reviews focus on putting Stuck Up- The Amazing Attaching Slip to the test. I don't talk about Stuck Up, very much and I really should.
This stuff is amazing, it can be used to attach parts without scoring. it can be used to attach clays of two different moisture contents together. It can attach virtually bone dry pieces together. It can be used for drawing and decorating surfaces. It can even be used to build with. It is revolutionary stuff.
Stuck Up came out of industry, where this stuff was discovered for attaching handles. In a factory they don't have the time to slip and score. So they came up with this stuff that they could dob on the ends of the handle and stick it to the pot and voila! It is stuck on. Amazing!
Of course, we are artists so we said, "What else can this stuff do?" and the answer is everything. There are new uses being made for it every day. The limit is your imagination.
Give Stuck Up a try, you won't be disappointed.
The first review is from Atlanta Clay
...Also available are the Cast Away Slip and the Stuck Up Slip – an amazing attaching slip that eliminates the need for scoring, matches the body perfectly, is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of moisture states. It’s an industry secret and man does it work! We put it through the gauntlet here at Atlanta Clay – check out our results below. Daphne threw with the clay and attached handles and appliques and Deanna handbuilt with it in her traditional, torturous way – no cracks so far!!
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ” I was a jacka** trying out this clay. I attached handles at a nearly bone dry state to cups that were leatherhard… days later I decided to attach the appliques, which were wet, to the cups (bone dry by that time). I’m used to working with porcelain and expected everything to crack off…. it didn’t. Out of seven teacups I didn’t lose a single attachement. And that’s crazy.” – Daphne |
Awesome, Right?
The Bottom Line
Bottom line, this is a porcelain slip that truly is wonderful for attaching components such as handles, spouts, feet, and more. It is useful with a wide variety of clay bodies, including those with lower maturation temperatures.
- Excellent attaching slip that works with a wide range of clay bodies.
- Used successfully on damp, leather-hard, and bone-dry greenware.
- Can also be an interesting thick trailing slip.
- Dries nearly instantaneously. Know exactly what you are going to do before opening the bottle.
- White color may provide unwanted contrast when used with other colored clay bodies.
- Porcelain attaching slip made from mother clay body, Porcelain for the People. Matures cone 7-12.
- Works well with other clays besides mother clay body. Used to attach components or mend breaks in greenware.
- Comes in a conveniently-sized plastic bottle with nozzle-tip cap.
Guide Review - Review of "Stuck Up Attaching Slip"
You have to love the name of this slip, and it fits the product perfectly. Not only does it work fantastic with its mother clay body, Porcelain for the People, but it also performed with stellar results when I used it with other clays, including mid-range stoneware, white low-fire, and red earthenware clay bodies. One of the real trials by fire was when I broke a limb off a white low-fire tree as I was loading it to be bisqued. I used Stuck Up Slip on the bone-dry greenware, then held it for a scant moment. Not only did the slip weld the limb back on right then, but it also held beautifully through the firing.Attaching slips and menders have been used by industry for quite a long time. Many potters use them, too. Stuck Up Attaching Slip is one of the best I've tried. Not only does it eliminate the need for scoring, it creates a very solid attachment even when the pieces are bone dry. It, of course, also works just as well for damp and leather-hard greenware as well. (As an added bonus, I also found it to be an interesting slip for trailing raised designs.)
Sweet, Don't you think?
So give Stuck Up a try. You can get your bottle a the Matt and Dave's Clays Store or at fine retailers like Atlanta Clay
Shimmy Shimmy Shake
But I can't shake the feeling that it is some how...exceptionally inappropriate.... Seriously, don't click that link if you have ever been offended by anything...ever...seriously...
... I can't believe Wikipedia has a page on that...
Store Site
Top Secret
Hi all,
Sorry to say that I am super busy today because Mrs. Rose and I are trying to get work done so that we can go on a secret mission the weekend. The good news is that the mission is an attempt to do something new for the blog. So I should have something cool to post next week.
So have a good and safe weekend and I will see y'all on the other side.
We made it back alive, but the post is going to have to wait till tomorrow. I want to do it some justice.
Sorry to say that I am super busy today because Mrs. Rose and I are trying to get work done so that we can go on a secret mission the weekend. The good news is that the mission is an attempt to do something new for the blog. So I should have something cool to post next week.
So have a good and safe weekend and I will see y'all on the other side.
We made it back alive, but the post is going to have to wait till tomorrow. I want to do it some justice.
A Teapot in The Matrix
Yesterday's post on the "rendered" teapot, took me down a little rabbit hole. In the article there was a reference to the Martin Newell and the digitization of a Melitta Teapot in 1975. I was interested, so I dug a little deeper and what I found it is a cool little story about how a teapot played a role in the development of computer graphics.
The University of Utah was a hot bed of computer graphics in the 70's (Don't believe me? Ed Catmull who is one of the founders of Pixar is an alum). While working on a new rendering project Martin Newell was wondering what to attempt to render. He brought this up to his wife while they were sitting to to tea. She recommended the teapot they were using and computer history was made.
The teapot provided the right level of visual complexity while providing a neutral surface that would render well. He sketched it out and then went into the lab and created the image you see at the top. History was made
The teapot became a famous object with computer scientists and a standard test for the quality of software. In fact it had become an inside joke with computer scientists, and you can find this teapot in movies like Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and The Simpsons (Homer in the 3rd Dimensions, Tree House of Horrors episode). You'll have to look for it.
The Teapot now resides in Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California if you want to see this historical objct. Bringing Teapots into the Future.
You can get more information at Wikipedia
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